Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Making Change: Art$ Challenge

Honors Portfolio, Studio Art II and Jewelry classes collaborated to take on an interesting challenege this year.
Each day, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston shreds approximetly $10 million worth of worn out curentcy.  Approximetly 314 tons of currency is recycled by the Boston Fed each year.  The recycled shreds are shipped to a farm to be composted, which will then be used to soil amendment to grow hay.
As part of the Federal Reserve's Centennial commemoration, the Boston Fed has invited high school students to repurpose the shredded cash to create a work of art.  The theme of the challenge is "Making Change."  Students were asked to use the cash shreds to create a piece of art showing change over the years.
Our students at NRHS created some highly original and beautiful pieces.

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