Friday, March 21, 2014

Decks for Kev

Nauset Senior and Wellfleet local Kevin Fitzgerald passed away this past December after a long, hard fought battle with leukemia.  Kevin was a fun-loving, thrill seeker, who loved extreme sports.  Skateboarding was Fitzgerald's favorite sport by far; he was one of the best skaters Wellfleet has ever seen.
 Several Nauset students are participating in a fundraiser called "Decks For Kev."  Artists across the country are designing skate decks in honor of Kevin to be auctioned online through the Facebook page "Decks For Kev."  Bidding will begin in April online; all funds will benefit the Fitzgerald family.  This fundraiser is a great way to support emerging artists, assist the Fitzgerald family, and simply show some love for one of Wellfleet's finest.
Contributing authors and artists- Ty Callahan and Sarah Morse  

Above: Some of the participating artists at work...SHR3D 4 KEV!!!
                                     Stay Tuned for updates and be sure to like the page on Facebook!

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